Getting started with forms

Forms are an efficient and effective way to consistently collect information from members of your organization. For example, you may want to use forms to establish a company-wide process for onboarding new IoT/OT devices. In this form, you could collect important information such as device owner and location – metadata that is not easily (if at all) available through traditional device discovery tools.

Creating a new form

Create a new form by clicking on the “+” icon next to “Workflows” in the left-side menu and then selecting “New form”. This will create a new form and open a blank canvas where you can begin to customize with drag and drop content blocks. Similar to other form builders, you can decide if an answer is required or is optional for each question/field.

The content you see from the right side panel are the attributes that are currently available within your Perygee account. For example, you may keep track of the building where each of your OT devices are installed and that information is stored in the “Building” attribute. By dragging an attribute onto the form you are saying that the answer to that question will be the value for that attribute.

Editing a form

There are two ways you can edit an existing form:

  1. From the form itself, click the “Edit” button in the top right. This will open the Form Builder where you can make and save your changes.

  2. From the All Workflows page, select the “Edit” button that corresponds to the form you wish to edit. Make and save your changes.

Duplicating a form

Want to create a new form, but don’t want to start from scratch? You can simply duplicate an existing form by clicking the Action dropdown for the form in the All Workflows page and then selecting “Duplicate workflow”.

Archiving a form

Archiving a form will remove it from the list of workflows shown in the left-side panel. You can archive a form by clicking the Action dropdown for the form in the All Workflows page and then selecting “Archive”.

If you need to restore an archived form, click the “Show archived workflows” button in the “…” menu of the All Workflows page. This will reveal all the forms that have been previously archived. Simply click the “Unarchive” option in the Actions dropdown to make it visible again.