Custom events allow you to manually trigger automation workflows from dashboards. For example, on a vulnerability dashboard you may want to include a one-click button that sends an alert with patch information to the OT owner of a high priority asset. In the following sections we’ll show how this is possible with custom events:
Creating a new event type
First, navigate to the “Event Types” page by clicking “More” and then “Events” on the left-side panel.
Then click the “New event type” button in the top right. A new event will be created and the Event Drawer will open. From this view you can edit properties of the event type.
Next, you will add event parameters. Event parameters can be static or dynamic (using dashboard variables) values that are passed to an automation. Note that at least one parameter must be added. After you click the “+ Add” button, a new event parameter will be created. You can give the parameter a name, type, and default value. The default value is optional. If you leave the value empty, you will define the parameter’s value when you connect the event to a button (see below).
Editing an event type
First, navigate to the “Event Types” page by clicking “More” and then “Events” on the left-side panel. Click on the name of the event to open the Event Type Drawer and then click “Edit” to edit the event.
Connecting the event to a button
From the Dashboard Editor, drag and drop a button widget onto the canvas. With the button selected, under “On click” use the “Event” dropdown to choose the custom event you want to use. The “Event inputs” correspond to the event parameters you added during the event creation process. For each parameter, you have the option to set a static value or choose a dashboard variable as its value.
Connecting the event to an automation
When creating a new automation, choose the custom event you created from the list of triggering events. The Automation Builder will open and the custom event node will be present on the canvas. New actions can be added to the workflow that will be triggered when a button is clicked.